Our team list - Baltes Consultancy

Our team list

  • Brandon Copperfield

    Founder & CEO

    The founder of Consulting WP, he has been the captain of this ship from the beginning and has sailed it to the successful behemoth it is today. He is known...

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  • Clark Roberts

    Chief Finance Officer

    Being the CFO in the Financial Industry is a tough task, thankfully he was here to man the helm and lead the company where it needed to go. He is known for...

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  • Ashley Hardy

    VP Sales and Marketing

    She is an accomplished business developer. Her skills at creating relationships with clients are legendary; her pitches are amazing, and her technical knowledge...

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  • Dennis Norris

    Chief Marketing Officer

    He has helped Business WordPress Theme reach new heights and enter new markets. His skills of understanding market perception are unparalleled, and he has positioned...

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  • Gina Kennedy


    As we help other companies grow, she helps us grow. She handles all the internal work at WP consulting and ensures that employees and stakeholders are happy....

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  • Fernando Torres

    Tax Consultant

    Tax laws and regulations are some of the most complicated and infuriating parts of the financial industry. Which is why we are lucky to have Him as our head...

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how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Ik heb Johan in verschillende rollen en situaties leren kennen. Sleutelbegrippen daarbij: kernachtige analyse, weldoordachte oplossingsrichtingen voorzien van kansen en risico’s, alert op mogelijke effecten. In zijn adviezen en gedrag straalt hij vertrouwen en natuurlijk overwicht uit zowel daar waar draagvlak moet worden georganiseerd als in crisissituaties.

Ton Sleeking
Oud wethouder, Gemeente Emmen

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